A thirty-six month contract in the New World meant surviving harsh winters, hostile natives, strange diseases, scurvy and hunger. Few men and women stayed beyond the end of their contract. Nicolas Rivard Sieur de Lavigne was one of these men. His children would help build two nations across the face of North America. Their descendants would take names like Rivard, Lavigne, Lacoursiere, Laglanderie, Dufresne, Lanouette, Préville, Beaucourt, Preville, Loraner, Feuilleverte, Bellefeuille, Monendre, Maisonville, Mongrain, Rivac, Rival, Rivvault, Vertefeuille, and Lamy. This is his story.
“In the old days, before our people came to the land,” the girl began, “There was a Medicine Man of great power….” The Medicine Man is a figure from their oral tradition since the People followed the herds across the land bridge to a new land. If three groups of people come to a sacred place and make a request at the same moment the Medicine Man would be summoned. Tamara and Amy, two young girls whose parents struggle with violence and addiction, run off into the night to the sacred grove…. Susan Blackthorne, whose youngest child has died in foster care, stumbles drunk and alone into the sacred grove…. Oscar Redman, traditional chief of this band whose granddaughter has been found murdered in this isolate community of two-hundred and forty-seven, comes to the sacred grove seeking answers…. For one isolated reserve in Northern Canada, struggling with poverty, corruption, and addiction, life is about to change. The Medicine Man has been summoned….
In the 1950s, as various plagues rage through Northern Canada, five children from Eskimo Point are taken to a residential school far from home. Alornerk, the oldest of the five, promises to take care of the other children until they return home. Soon he decides he cannot keep that promise if they remain at the Quallunaat school. Five Children set out to cross all of Northern Canada to return to their villages and their families. Join Alornerk and the others on this journey of adventure, laughter and tragedy and learn why you cannot always go home..
As thousands of protesters descend on the small town of Sweetwater and its nuclear power plant, and a struggling utility looks to cut costs the Beaucours come to grips with the impending death of their son. Madeleine, a reporter for the local paper, believes she has stumbled upon the cause of her son's cancer. But are the environmentalist's claims 'bad science' or does the 'weight of evidence' prove the nuclear power plant is causing a cancer cluster in Sweetwater.
Set around a fictional Tim Horton’s, Neither Side of the Track follows a cross-section of Canadian society leading up to, and in the days immediately after the American banking crisis. It explores some of the issues facing our middle class in the second decade of the new millennium. While the stories inside are real, the characters and names have been changed to protect the author.